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craft feathers

You're not going to believe how natural these feathers are.  All we do to prepare them for your crafting pleasure is:

  • wash (by hand, using water we haul and all-natural soap)

  • dry (in a cleverly designed feather-dryer hung over our woodburning stove)

  • sort (that's me, sitting at a table and counting out feathers)


The plumage on our heritage breed birds is so stunningly beautiful, we don't need to do anything else!

Feathers are so inexpensive and low impact, you'll come up with all sorts of ways to use them.  Here's some ideas to get your brain churning

  • Put some in your stationary kit to enclose in a letter

  • make napkin holders

  • Christmas ornaments

  • Hair accessories

Craft ideas


Here is a curated selection of crafts using feathers to get you started.  If you've got a tutorial, by all means send it to me!

the cat helps, too
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